
Thursday 5 September 2024

Docker registry, repository, and versioning: Know the difference between registry and repository


Docker Registry:

Think of the Docker registry as the entire online library where all the books (Docker images) are stored. A registry is a centralized place that hosts multiple repositories of Docker images. It allows users to upload (push) or download (pull) Docker images.

  • Example: DockerHub, Amazon ECR, or a private Docker registry you set up are examples of Docker registries. They are like the library building that holds many collections of books.


Docker Repository:

A Docker repository is like a specific shelf or section in that library, where all the different versions of a particular book are stored. A repository holds a set of related Docker images, usually different versions of the same application.

  • Example: If you have an application called "my-app", the repository would be called my-app. Inside that repository, you might have several versions (images), such as my-app:1.0, my-app:2.0, etc. These different versions are like different editions of the same book on that shelf.


In simple terms:

  • Docker Registry = Big library holding many collections (repositories) of images.
  • Docker Repository = A shelf inside the library, containing different versions of a specific application (images).



Consider the scenario, where we have a Docker registry set up at using a Docker registry container, and we want to store 25 applications (myapp1 to myapp25).

Let’s see how the concept of registry, repository, and versions will work in this scenario:

1. Registry:

The registry is It will act as the central server to host all our Docker images (for all 25 applications). This is where we’ll push (upload) and pull (download) images.


2. Repositories for Each Application:

Each application (from myapp1 to myapp25) will have its own repository inside the registry. Think of each repository as a separate directory or space within the registry dedicated to one application.

  • Example:
    • myapp1 will have its own repository at
    • myapp2 will have its own repository at
    • Similarly, all other applications up to myapp25 will have their own repositories.


3. Versioning:

We can maintain different versions (tags) of each application by tagging the Docker images. Docker uses tags to differentiate between versions of the same image in a repository.

For each application repository, we’ll push different versions like this:

  • For myapp1, you might have versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.
    • Image names:,, etc.
  • For myapp2, you’ll have similar versioning:
    • Image names:,, etc.


4. Push and Pull Workflow:

Here’s how push and pull will work for each application:

Pushing an Image:

To push an image to your registry, you first need to tag it with the correct repository and version (tag) name, then push it to the registry.

For example:

  1. You build a Docker image for myapp1 locally:
docker build -t myapp1 .
  1. You tag the image with the registry URL, repository, and version:
docker tag myapp1
  1. You push the image to the registry:
docker push

We can repeat this process for different versions of myapp1 or for other applications (myapp2, myapp3, etc.).


Pulling an Image:

To pull an image from the registry, we’ll specify the registry URL, repository, and the version we want.

For example:

1.     To pull version 1.0 of myapp1 from the registry:

docker pull

2.     To pull version 2.0 of myapp2:

docker pull



Example Push/Pull Flow for Multiple Applications:

1.     For myapp1, version 1.0:

docker build -t myapp1 .
docker tag myapp1
docker push

2.     For myapp2, version 2.0:

docker build -t myapp2 .
docker tag myapp2
docker push

3.     To pull a specific version of an app:

docker pull
docker pull



Maintaining latest version:

In Docker, the latest version of an image is usually represented by the latest tag. This is not automatically assigned—we have to manually tag and push the image with latest if we want it to be the default version pulled when no specific version is provided.

How to Maintain the Latest Version:

1.     Tagging the Latest Version: Each time we release a new version of an application that we want to be the default (or latest), we will need to tag it with latest in addition to its specific version tag.

2.     Pulling the Latest Version: If we don't specify a version when pulling, Docker will automatically pull the image tagged as latest.


Example of Maintaining the Latest Version:

Let's take the example of myapp1.

Step 1: Build Your Application Image

We have a new version of myapp1 (version 3.0) and want this to be the latest.

docker build -t myapp1 .


Step 2: Tag with the Version and latest

Now, tag the image with both the specific version (3.0) and latest:

# Tag with version 3.0
docker tag myapp1
# Tag the same image as 'latest'
docker tag myapp1

Step 3: Push Both Tags

Push both the versioned and the latest tags to our registry:

# Push version 3.0
docker push
# Push the latest tag
docker push

Step 4: Pulling the Latest Version

When someone pulls myapp1 without specifying a version, Docker will pull the image tagged as latest:

# This will pull 'myapp1:latest'
docker pull

If someone wants to pull a specific version, they can still do so by specifying the version tag:

# This will pull 'myapp1:3.0'
docker pull



Keeping the latest Tag Up-to-Date:

  • Whenever we push a new version that you want to be the default, tag it as latest along with the specific version number.
  • The latest tag will always point to the most recent image that you tagged as latest.


Example Push Flow for Keeping latest Up-to-Date:

Let’s say we’ve already pushed versions 1.0 and 2.0, and now we’re pushing version 3.0:

1.     Build the new version:

docker build -t myapp1 .

2.     Tag it as both version 3.0 and latest:

docker tag myapp1
docker tag myapp1

3.     Push both tags to the registry:

docker push
docker push